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Invité donne ton avis sur la nouvelle version ici ! Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  494988

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 Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?

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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:33

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  331660tumblrlhv2nxpYvF1qgzbodo1500

❝ Daniel Orhan Blacklove ❞

ÂGE, DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE ♦ 20 ans, 20 Août 1991 à New York.
STATUT ♦ célibataire.
NATIONALITÉ ♦ américainei.
MÉTIER/ÉTUDES ♦ étudiante en litterature française.


friend? wtf.


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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:33

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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:33

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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:34

+3 Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  825154
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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:34

C'est à vous !! Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  48881
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Orion Leach
Orion Leach

♔ Messages : 43

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:41

J'adore cette actrice. Je veux un lien. o:
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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:43

Avec plaisir, que veux-tu ?
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Orion Leach
Orion Leach

♔ Messages : 43

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:44

Ca dépend, je suis open... tu aurais besoin de quoi ?
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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:45

bah de tout ^^
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Orion Leach
Orion Leach

♔ Messages : 43

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:52

Bon, alors sachant qu'Orhan & Orion ont tous deux grandi à NY, pourquoi ne pas dire qu'ils étaient au lycée ou au collège ensemble et qu'ils se sont retrouvés par hasard à Trinity ? Et par un RP on créera un lien plus profond, dirons-nous. (:
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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:56

D'accord mais faut que tu sache que Orhan à était en école privée au collège donc c'est forcément au lycée Smile
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Orion Leach
Orion Leach

♔ Messages : 43

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 17:57

Orion était aussi en privé, t'inquiète. (;
Je t'ajoute dans ce cas !
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D. Orhan Blacklove
D. Orhan Blacklove

♔ Messages : 73

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  EmptyDim 24 Avr - 18:47

D'accord je fais de même à la prochaine MAJ
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Contenu sponsorisé

Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?    Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?  Empty

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Orhan ϟ Who says you can't be the best ?

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