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Invité donne ton avis sur la nouvelle version ici ! FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you. 494988

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 FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you.

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L. Oedipe Loganport
L. Oedipe Loganport

♔ On My Own : MIAOU.
♔ Messages : 26
♔ Localisation : Qui cherche trouve mon pote.

FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you. Empty
MessageSujet: FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you.   FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you. EmptyJeu 28 Avr - 17:20

FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you. Dakotafanning001
(c) bazzart
Eleanora Jezabel Loganport.

♦ Âge : dix sept ans.
♦ Nationalité : américaine.
♦ Etudes : Elle adore la photographie.
♦ Statut sociale : à choisir.
♦ Caractère :

♦ Ft Dakota Fanning.

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läyos oedipe loganport.

soeur ou demi-soeur, je serais toujours là pour toi.

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FANNING. ♦ through all the problems, i'd always be there for you.

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