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Invité donne ton avis sur la nouvelle version ici ! This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ 494988

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 This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥

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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyDim 30 Jan - 8:39

Le but est simple, il faut juste répondre à la question sur une chanson de son voisin du dessus ^^
Après avoir répondu relancez le jeu avec une nouvelle question sur une chanson.


Joueur A: La chanson qui te donne envie de danser?
Jouer B: Imma be - Black eye peas
La chanson qui ...

Et bien le prochain qui arrive peut commencer
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyDim 30 Jan - 12:58

La chanson qui te fous le mega blues ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyDim 6 Fév - 20:42

Secondhand Serenade ○ Something more.

Celle qui te fais chanter? (:
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Jordane K. Ross
Jordane K. Ross

♔ On My Own : This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ C2pt
♔ I Wanna Sex You Up : This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Tumblr_lgxnr44qsH1qgtrrfo1_r1_250
♔ Messages : 283
♔ Localisation : Miami

This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 8 Fév - 19:07

Duck Sauce - Barbara Straisand

La chanson qui te fais danser?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 8 Fév - 21:47

Far East Movement - Like A G6

Celle qui te fais penser à un ex ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 8 Fév - 22:54

3OH!3 - My First Kiss feat. Ke$ha
Car ces sur cette chanson que j'ai eu mon premier baiser avec mon ex.

Quel chanson te donne envit de relaxer ??
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 8 Fév - 23:12

Relax - Mika x)

La chanson que tu ne supporte pas ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 9 Fév - 13:47

Hum ... Toutes celles de Britney Spears ^^

Celle qui te fout la patate dés le réveil ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 9 Fév - 14:53

Wake Me Up before you Go-Go • Wham

Celle qui te fais rire en version Alvin et les Chimpucks ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 15 Fév - 20:02

Single Lady xDDD

Celle qui te fait râler "Ooooh non pas encore elle --'"
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMar 15 Fév - 23:39

Brittany Spears - You Drive Me Crazy

Quel chanson te donne envit de dancer ???
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:38

Cendrillon - Téléphone Very Happy

La chanson qui te casse les oreilles
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:46

Baby - Justin(e) Bibier

La chanson qui fais chanter tout le monde ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:49

Celui • Colonel Reyel -___-'

Celle que tu as écouter des milliers de fois étant petit(e ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:50

Anastasia - Loin du froid de Décembre.

La plus triste de ton enfance ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:54

Je saigne encore • Kyo

Celle que tu peux pas te lasser depuis des années ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 17:57

Tracer le chemin - La route d'Eldorado ...

Celle que técoute tout les matins ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 18:01

Miss Nothing • The Pretty Reckless -pour me réveiller x)-

Celle que tu es le(a seul(e à connaitre?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 16 Fév - 19:51

Vous reviendrez - Charlie, mon héros.

Celle que ta fais découvrir à tous le monde ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyVen 18 Fév - 12:21

Dance so good- Wakey! Wakey!

La chanson qui te fait penser à la personne que tu aimes ? Smile
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyDim 20 Fév - 14:12

Aware - Ma Déesse (c'est une amie à moi et c'est pas connu du tout lol)

Une chanson qui te donne envie de casser ta télé ou ton MP3 ? xD
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyMer 23 Fév - 23:12

Eminem - Till I colapse

La chanson qui te fait pleurer ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ EmptyJeu 24 Fév - 13:25

Keen'V - Explique moi

Une chanson qui te rappelle un moment de ta vie ?
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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥   This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥ Empty

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This is a song for the broken hearted ... ♥

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